The Computer curses are held in the MERIDIAN center laboratory which has all the needed facilities like new PCs with the basic programs per each student in the room, high speed internet and central monitoring from the teacher's computer. The course is held three days per week by well qualified and devoted teachers. The course is maintained in Albanian and English, according to the course takers' wishes and necessities. The MERIDIAN course center is open to advanced specialized course takers as well as to non-specialized ones and soon is willing and endeavoring to obtain the right to equip his course takers with important international certificates like Microsoft certificates.
The course is held in two stages. Each stage has its own modules like the followings.
» Stage 1 - Typing & Microsoft Windows XP (29 classes)
By the end of this stage that is concerned with the 10 fingers fast typing the student is supposed to;
a. Have a dactylographic speed of at least 30 words per minute.
b. Write sentences and paragraphs with a minimum accuracy of 90%.
c. Know the location of keys on with no visual support (looking at the keyboard).
d. Write benefiting from different combinations of the keyboard's keys.
By the end of Microsoft Windows XP classes the student is supposed to;
a. Have acquired accurate knowledge of the facilities and opportunities offered by this program.
b. Use this program efficiently for his own needs and purposes and model it according to his wishes.
c. Install new physical parts like of the computer system like printer, scanner, speakers, digital cameras on his own with no help from the technical support.
d. Use other programs of Microsoft family programs; Windows '98/2000/2003/ Vista for which the basic commands are same.
e. Install various application programs over this system and work on them by using the knowledge gained thorough this course.
It is aimed that by the end of Microsoft Internet Explorer classes the student will be able to easily explore, navigate, communicate, send and receive information through internet. In other words, using Internet for what it has been programmed.
At the end of Microsoft FrontPage classes each student is supposed to be able to build his/her own Webpage with the structures and facilities FrontPage offers.
» Stage 2- Microsoft Office 2003 (33 classes)
It is aimed that by the end of Microsoft Word 2003 classes the student has gained the necessary knowledge to put them into practice by writing and organizing various documents like office documents, school documents and other formal documents of any type.
It is aimed that by the end of this course the students by the aid of this program and the learning of its commands and functions will be able to find the solution to different financial, statistical, and complex mathematical problems immediately.
It is aimed that by the end of this course the students are able to organize, formulate, and process big amounts of information or data that can vary from surveys to opinions, lists, names and numerical statistics, as well as presenting the respective reports for the processed and accumulated data.
It is aimed that by the end of this course the students will be able to make presentations, simple advertising slides and schemes for different situations.
By the end of the classes of Microsoft Office 2003 the course taker is supposed to;
a. Have taken enough knowledge of a minimum of 80% about the Office packet.
b. Process and structure in different situations as required; home works, assignments financial balances, goods and services input-output, data bases by the aid of this packet.
c. Organize considerable amount of information and data by the aid of this packet.
d. Prepare and show different presentations and slide shows according to his needs.